Tuesday 12 March 2013


1)      NMS is used for mangling i.e. for controlling  & monitoring entities present on network
2)      It consists of tools for monitoring & controlling networks
3)      Components of NMS are 
a)      Management station
b)      Agent station
c)       MIB
d)      Network management protocols like SNMP
4)      Role of NMS
A)     Fault management
B)      Performance management
C)       Security management
D)     Accounting
5)      Features of NMS
A)     Can be operated in centralized or distributed or combination of both
B)      Views entire network as a whole
6)      Diagram :- same to diagram of SNMP
SNMP(simple network management protocol)
1)      SNMP  protocol based network management is used to monitor & control networks
2)      SNMP  protocol is used to send management messages to & from manger & managed devices
3)      SNMP system is used for managing    TCP/IP based networks
A)     Manger
B)      Managed devices
C)      Software’s :-
i)                    Agent program
ii)                   Client program
iii)                 NMS tools
D)     MIB
A)     Manger :- it is a console(computer )which is used  by network administrator to run SNMP commands for monitoring & controlling network .this computer runs NMS tools & client program
B)      Managed devices :- these are devices present on network (ex. Router, switch  ) . These devices are monitored & controlled by manger  .SNMP program running on these devices collects & stores information about activity of these stations
C)      Software:-
i)                    Agent software :- it is software which collects information about activity of managed device  like activity log, it accepts commands from manger & runs these commands. These software also generates Trap messages & sends to manger
ii)                   Client software:- these are the software’s which runs on manger  & used to interface with managed devices
iii)                 NMS tools:- these are the software’s which are used by manger for analyzing & monitoring traffic, throughput etc
iv)                 MIB:- it is well structured database use for storing activity information    
The manager station runs management program this program continuously monitors  managed devices & it also issues certain request for accessing activity log information from managed stations
The managed devices runs agent program which records activity log of itself  and also responds to queries generated by management station the managed  station also generates trap massages to inform to management station about certain problem
The managed &management station maintains their organized database to mange &take certain decisions & for implanting these decisions setting commands are issued by manger
This can be done from  techmax
1)      This is application layer protocol which is used for TCP/IP based  NMS
2)      This protocol defines format & methods of message exchange between managed devices & manger
3)      This protocol is used for
a)      Extracting updating database of agent
b)      Send & receive trap
c)       Issue setting commands
4)      Messges of SNMP  are send using UDP & these messages are :-
a)      Get request
b)      Get next request
c)       Get bulk request
d)      Set request
e)      Response
f)       Trap
g)      Info req- to another manger
h)      Report-informing to anther manger
Advantages of SNMP:-
1 ) light weight & standardized protocol
2) portable
3) allows distributed management
4) simple
5) Scalable (expandable)
6) can be used on existing LAN /WAN no need for new set up
7) open
8) application layer hence free of lower layer technological details
9) requires less traffic as messages are exchanged using UDP
1)      Security gap
2)      Version problem
3)      Reduces network bandwidth
Uses of Snap
1)      Monitor device uptime
2)      Inventory of OS version of managed devices
3)      Collects interface information
4)      Measuring throughput , QOS ,Traffic
5)      Queering-ARP ,database ,routing information

nbsp�_s;�H�?sp;            Client program
iii)                 NMS tools
D)     MIB
A)     Manger :- it is a console(computer )which is used  by network administrator to run SNMP commands for monitoring & controlling network .this computer runs NMS tools & client program
B)      Managed devices :- these are devices present on network (ex. Router, switch  ) . These devices are monitored & controlled by manger  .SNMP program running on these devices collects & stores information about activity of these stations
C)      Software:-
i)                    Agent software :- it is software which collects information about activity of managed device  like activity log, it accepts commands from manger & runs these commands. These software also generates Trap messages & sends to manger
ii)                   Client software:- these are the software’s which runs on manger  & used to interface with managed devices
iii)                 NMS tools:- these are the software’s which are used by manger for analyzing & monitoring traffic, throughput etc
iv)                 MIB:- it is well structured database use for storing activity information    

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